Epoxy Flooring

Epoxy Flooring

Epoxy products can be used for a variety of industrial, commercial, and residential applications. EFCs can be applied to concrete foundations in existing buildings and new construction. EFCs are most often used to protect existing concrete surfaces or provide a decorative finish, but they can also be applied to existing concrete slabs as a passive vapor intrusion (VI) barrier.

EFCs are commonly applied in one or two coats using a roller or squeegee to obtain the proper thickness. Application thickness can vary, but thicker coatings reduce the potential for defect and typically increase the durability of the finished surface. Many EFCs require a 24- to 48-hour curing time between coat applications. 

Advantages of using EFCs as a passive mitigation strategy include:
  • They are broadly applicable to industrial, commercial, and residential settings.
  • The aesthetics of EFCs are easily manipulated through the use of colors, patterns, and finishes.
  • EFCS are easy to clean and require little maintenance.
  • EFCs protect the concrete foundation.
  • They provide a chemically resistant surface.
  • EFCs produce a strong and durable product.
  • They are quick curing for time-sensitive projects.